Paolo Bonacelli

Paolo Bonacelli ( born February 28, 1939 in Civita Castellana ) is an Italian actor.


Bonacelli studied at the Accademia d' Arte Drammatica, where he also received the 1962 drama diploma. He then starred opposite Vittorio Gassman on the stage and worked with director Luigi Squarzina. In 1963 he was first seen on the screen, where he regularly found employment with television films. Under Ladders game like Mario Missiroli Franco Enriquez, Giorgio Pressburger and Ugo Gregoretti he was still looking after perfecting his Art.

In the film Bonacelli was seen in 1964 in occasional supporting roles; Liliana Cavani's only Milarepa used his skills in a leading role. He gained more notoriety in 1975 when Prince Blangis in The 120 Days of Sodom by Pier Paolo Pasolini. He also played in 1978 in the award-winning drama 12 clock at night - Midnight Express and 1979 in the historical film Caligula. In this film he plays the Roman senator Cassius Chaerea, who was involved in the assassination of Roman emperor Caligula. In 2010 he took a role in The American.

1992 Bonacelli was awarded a Silver Ribbon for his role in Roberto Benigni's Johnny Toothpick.

Filmography (selection)
