Paradies (Constance)

Paradise is a former village district of Konstanz on Lake Constance. The district has an area of ​​63.2 hectares ( 632 034 m²) and 5808 inhabitants, but this refers to the district officially defined - in the understanding of Constance ranges paradise to the Upper and Lower arbor, the boulevard on the western edge of the historic old town.

The original center of the district is the St. Martin's chapel. Paradise was probably in the late Middle Ages as a fishing and farming settlement, west of the old city of Konstanz on Seerhein located. At that time he was called Eggehusen, he received the present name by a Clarissenkloster named claustrum apud Paradysi Constantiam which settled there around 1186. Already in 1253 the nuns left their monastery on the outskirts of the former episcopal city and moved into the area of Schaffhausen, the name of paradise remained.

1610 lived a total of about 300 people in paradise. The Paradieser farmers at that time supplied the inhabitants of the city from their fields on the open space between the present B 33 ( European route ) and the arbor. At that time was a separate municipality paradise. By 1880, the population increased to almost 1500. To 1639 Suburban today Saubach was included in the defense system of the trading city of Constance by a rampart and ditch. This paradise also received two guard towers, the Grießeggturm on Gottlieber inches and the so-called Paradieser Schlossle. With the removal of the fields, the cultivation of vegetables moved into the adjoining west Tägermoos which, although part of the sub-district of Konstanz, state law but the Swiss canton of Thurgau.

The number of vegetable gardeners is steadily declining. In 1969, this acquisition even after Paradieser 25, 2006, there were about eight. Had paradise, the city maintained its own Farrenstall no longer own one. Only since 1994 there has been in paradise no more livestock.

By the summer of 2004, the bus drove 10 the track " Graveyard Paradise". The buses were a popular photo opportunity due to the indicated route.
