
Paradisbakkerne ( "Paradise Hill" ), also Helvedesbakkerne ( " Hell Hill" ), is a group of hills to the east of the island of Bornholm. The area is located about three kilometers north- west of Nexø, in the Capital Region. The land was in private hands is a hilly, rocky landscape with narrow grave zones that are lined with almost vertical rock faces. The hills rise usually 30 to 50 meters high above the forested environment where there is also a series of small lakes and swamps. Midterpilt, 113 meters above the sea, is one of the highest points in the Paradisbakkerne. Although a large part of the area is forested today, it was once covered with heather and low shrubs, which made ​​the area a good pasture area. The Paradisbakkerne have a long cultural history; to many places in the area, such as Sling Estenen, Linkisten, Ligstenen, Dybedal, Ravnedal, Majdal and Gamle Dam, stories and legends


The Paradisbakkerne rise above the eastern part of the Bornholm forest area. They extend over about 6200 hectares. The forest area is ecologically diverse and the Paradisbakkerne has a diverse flora and fauna, including some rare amphibians and reptiles. There are many Dales in North-South direction, which give the whole area a hilly character. In addition to grave fractures there are also numerous specimens of the last ice age as boulders and glacial striae. Cairn, which were once used as landmarks and were of widely visible, are now surrounded by forest. The geological formation in the area consists of granite. Before the beginning of the 20th century the landscape of heather, shrubs and other vegetation midget was covered, but since the 1930s the area was reforested.

Fauna and Flora

The fauna, which was covered by the European Environment Agency for the Paradisbakkerne together with Almindingen and Olene, including marginated beetle ( Dytiscus latissimus ) and narrow -cohesive serotine diving beetles contains ( Graphoderus bilineatus ). Reported bird species are boreal owl ( Aegolius funereus ), bittern ( Botaurus stellaris ), Nightjar ( Caprimulgus europaeus), Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus ), corncrake (Crex crex), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius ), Common Crane (Grus grus), sea eagles ( Haliaeetus albicilla), Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor), Red Kite ( Milvus milvus), osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus ). In mammals, there are in the Paradisbakkerne among other Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii ) and pond bat ( Myotis dasycneme ). Fungi in the Paradisbakkerne include Toadstool and Cauliflower mushroom.


Since the beginning of the 18th century a large part of the island has been reforested. The sheep grazing is permitted by the Regional Municipality of Bornholm in designated areas. The Paradisbakkerne have an extensive network of hiking trails. Visitors are allowed to wander between sunrise and sunset on trails and paths. In addition, there are restrictions on construction work to and from residential and farm houses within a radius of 150 meters around the forest area. A bike path over the whole island, crosses the Paradisbakkerne in east-west direction. Furthermore, there is also a bridle path through the area.
