Parazen pacificus

Parazen pacificus is a marine fish of the order of Peter Fishy ( Zeiformes ). It occurs in the western Pacific Ocean and is quite common off the coast of Japan. Catches there are also off the coast of Tanzania and Cuba. The fish lives in depths of 150 to 600 meters.


Parazen pacificus is 30 cm long and has a laterally flattened, moderately high-backed body (body height = head length). The head is unbeschuppt, occupying the body of medium-sized comb scales. Parazen pacificus is colored reddish- silvery.

The eyes are large, their diameter is larger than the jaw length. The mouth is terminal, the upper jaw is light, the lower jaw strongly protaktil ( vorstülpbar ). Both jaws are occupied by one or two rows of short, slender, conical teeth. Similar teeth are located on the vomer. The gills Reuse rays are short and flattened. One can be found on the top, four to six on the lower branch of the first gill arch. The number of Branchiostegalstrahlen is seven. The number of vertebrae is 34

Of the two dorsal fins, the first of six to eight spines, the second 26 to 30 soft rays is supported. The anal fin has a small fin spines and 28-34 soft rays. The caudal fin is forked and has eleven segmented and nine branched fin rays. The pectoral fins are much shorter than the head and supported 12 to 16 fin rays. The pelvic fins are without fin spines and possess an unbranched and six branched fin rays. Parazen pacificus has two side lines, which unite on the tail fins handle into one.
