Parliament of the World's Religions

The World Parliament of Religions is a gathering of representatives from all major religions with the goal of peaceful dialogue.

The first Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893 came at the World Columbian Exposition together. With the establishment of the World Parliament of Religions tend detected at a universal religious synthesis thinking by countries such as India, Japan, Iran, and North America with a slight delay and Europe.

About 4000 people took part in the opening ceremony alone. On the occasion of the founding of the Japanese monk Soyen Shaku came with his student Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, who later became the most important spokesman of the Zen movement in the West was. The Indian protagonist of Swami Vivekananda project was active even after his first public appearance in the World Parliament in the West.

It was not until 100 years later, in 1993, the World Parliament of Religions met for the second time. Since that time, there is every five to six years re- meeting.

In April 1953 also a World Parliament of Religions was held in Rishikesh, on the initiative of Swami Sivananda. This is generally not recognized as such and therefore not included in the count.


The 1990s to the present day

To the Declaration toward a Global Ethic from 1993 with the English title: ' Declaration - Toward a Global Ethic " see Global Ethic

The meeting took place in Barcelona in 2004 as part of the first Forum of Cultures.

Inter-religious dialogue


Historian Nicholas Goodrick -Clarke has argued that the theosophy Helena Petrovna Blavatsky paved the way for the comparative study of religions, in the first World Parliament of Religions was exemplary expression.
