Partula arguta

Partula arguta is an extinct genus of snail Partula. She was endemic to Huahine in the Society Islands.


Partula arguta reached a length of 13 mm. The case diameter was 8.1 mm and the length of the orifice 7.7 mm. The case was deeply perforated, short, ovate, extremely thin, fragile and horny. The staining was weak and incomplete beige translucent. The surface was quite shiny and marked with faint growth lines and with microscopic incised spiral lines, which were weak at the last turn but narrow and pronounced to acknowledge the spindle. The spindle was very short and conical. There were four turns of which the last was uniformly curved and spherical. The mouth was slightly oblique, ovate in outline, and took half of the body length. The aperture rim ( peristome ) was dilated thin and continuous. The outer lip was curved evenly. The Basalrand was more curved. The spindle rim was bent back and dilated. The spindle was rechtsgewunden above.


1994 reached introduced in French Polynesia in 1974 Rosy Wolf Snail ( Euglandina rosea) Huahine, which led to a disappearance of Partula arguta in the wilderness. In the course of 1987, launched by the Zoological Society of London conservation breeding program reached for Partula worm copies of Partula arguta in the London Zoo, one of which came in the last 1995.
