Party of Estonian Christian Democrats

The Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid - EKD ( German Christian Democrat Party of Estonia ) is a value- conservative center-right party on a Christian foundation in Estonia.

The party was founded in 1998. From 1998 to March 2006, she was named Eesti Kristlik Rahvapartei - EKRP ( " Christian People's Party of Estonia ") before she assumed her present name.

Chairman of the EKD was until 2008 the businessman Aldo Vinkel. Since 2008, Peeter Võsu leads the party.

The EKD has indicated that in 2175 members (as of 1 January 2006). It belongs to the parties, founded in 2002 Association of European Christian Political Movement.

Politically, the EKD is meaningless. In the elections to the Estonian Parliament ( Riigikogu ) in 2003 received 1.1 % of votes. At the 2004 European elections, they did not participate. In the 2007 parliamentary elections voted in 1.7 % of the voters for the EKD, at the 2011 general election 0.5%.

The party pursued its political objectives on the basis of Christian values ​​. It advocates a close political, economic and military partnership with Israel. The EKD is set strong euro spec table and was against accession of Estonia to the European Union. In its policy statement, the party is especially for greater support for families, a high birth rate and a ban on abortions one.
