Patrick Lapeyre

Patrick Lapeyre ( born June 1949 in Pantin, Seine- Saint- Denis, France ) is a French teacher and author.


Lapeyre made ​​in the late 1960s at the Lycée Henri IV in Paris a course preparing for one of the state universities for administrative ENS, but returned to the Sorbonne to study literature. He was a teacher at various schools in the Paris region, including in the satellite town of Les Ulis, Essonne département about 23 km southwest of the French capital. For several years he taught at the Paris Lycée Victor Hugo.

Since 1984, Lapeyre has published several novels, since 1991 exclusively in the Parisian publisher POL, one of which won two French literary prizes.


  • 2010: La vie est et le désir sans fin brève. ISBN 978-2-8180-0603-0. Prix ​​Femina in 2010. German: Life is short and full of Bergierden. translated by Dietlind Falk. Blessing Verlag, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-89667-459-3.