Paul Brousse

Paul Louis Marie Brousse ( born January 23, 1844 in Montpellier, † April 1, 1912 in Paris) was a Socialist and physicians. He is known primarily as a leading figure of the Possibilists.


Paul Brousse joined after studying medicine early at the International Workingmen's Association. After the suppression of the Paris Commune and the banning of the French section forced into exile in Switzerland, he worked there in the Jura Federation (Fédération Jurassienne ). So he was out there destined for France L' Avant -Garde and co-wrote with Peter Kropotkin jurassienne for the Bulletin de la Fédération.

After a defense of the crimes committed by Giovanni Passannante, Max Hodel and Karl Nobiling attacks in L' avant-garde, he was sentenced to two months' imprisonment on 15 April in 1879 and expelled from Switzerland. In 1880 he returned to France and joined the Fédération du parti des travailleurs socialistes de France ( FPTSF ), emerged from the later, the Parti Ouvrier guesdistische. After increasing disputes over their minimum program broke up the flow of Paul Brousse of the Party and Parti Ouvrier Socialiste founded her own revolutionnaire, later Fédération des travailleurs socialistes de France. They were notified under the foreign designation as Possibilists.

1902 joined the Possibilists of the government involvement favorable Socialist Party français and found after unification in 1905 their place in the Parti Socialiste ( SFIO ).

Paul Brousse was buried in the Père Lachaise Cemetery near the Fédéré wall.
