Paul Coussa

Paul Coussa ( born September 9, 1917 in Aleppo, Syria; † 7 July 2012) was Archbishop of Baghdad.


Paul Coussa received on 17 April 1941, the ordination.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 26 August 1969 Auxiliary Bishop of Antioch and Titular Bishop of Colonia in Armenia. The Patriarch of Cilicia, Iknadios Bedros XVI. Batanian, donated to him on 21 December of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Were co-consecrators Georges layeK, Archbishop of Aleppo, and Joseph Gennangi, Bishop of Kamichlié.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on 27 June 1983, Archbishop of Baghdad united with the Roman Catholic Church Armenian Catholic Church. On 13 October 2001, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation age-related.
