Pedro de Deza

Pedro de Deza ( born March 26, 1520 in Seville, Spain, † August 27, 1600 ) was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pedro de Deza was president of the Audiencia (administrative and judicial ) of Granada. He adopted several regulations that banned the forcibly baptized Muslims ( Moriscos ) to use their language and customs on. Created on February 21, 1578 cardinal, he was all the terms Diocleziane on June 22, 1580, Cardinal Priest of the titular church of San Ciriaco. On 9 January, he switches to the titular church of Santa Prisca, on April 20, 1587 on the titular church of San Girolamo dei Croati and on August 18, 1597 he became cardinal priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina, by which he had become cardinal proto- priest of the College of Cardinals. On April 23, 1600 he became Cardinal Bishop of Albano and received on 18 June 1600, the episcopal ordination.
