Pedro Malan

Pedro Sampaio Malan ( born 1943 in Indianapolis Petre, Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian economist and former Finance Minister of the country. He is Chairman of Unibanco.


Pedro Sampaio Malan was born in 1943 in the north of Rio de Janeiro. Prior to his studies in engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University do Rio de Janeiro, he attended a Jesuit school.

As a researcher at the Institute for Applied Economic Research, he made acquaintance with the U.S. economist Albert Fishlow, under whom he received his doctorate in economics at the University of California over Brazil in the International Economy 1973.

Malan continued to live in the United States and worked until 1993 for various agencies.

Central bank

Malan returned in 1993 back to request the Minister of Finance Fernando Henrique Cardoso in Brazil and led the Central Bank of 9 September 1993 to 31 December 1994.


For the first January 1995 to 31 December 2002 led Malan under the presidency of Cardoso's the old ministry. Together with Marcílio Marquez Moreira and Fernando Collor de Mello, he led the negotiations for the debt of Brazil to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) and played a leading role at the Plano Real.


Malan is chairman of the board of the third largest bank in Brazil, the Unibanco.
