Pentti Linkola

Kaarlo Pentti Linkola ( born December 7, 1932 in Helsinki) is a Finnish environmentalist, deep ecologist, biologist and amateur fishermen.


Linkola grew up in Helsinki, the son of the rector of the university. He interrupted his studies in zoology and botany from after the first year and taught himself further in biology and other natural sciences. In the 1960s he became the father of two children. He brought out several books that were initially mostly zoological nature, but later treated mostly umweltaktivistische and overall philosophical topics. Although none of his books has been officially translated from Finnish, his views and excerpts from his works are known worldwide. He now works as a fisherman in seclusion.


In his work from 1960 Isänmaan yes Ihmisen puolesta ( For Fatherland and human), he spoke clearly for pacifism and conscientious objection from. He served in the Finnish army to the rank of corporal.

In 1972 he brought Unelmat paremmasta maailmasta ( The dreams of a better world ) out. In it, he presented to the public for the first time before his environmental views. He denounced the modern western lifestyle and the exploitation of natural resources. In his later works, especially in 1989 published Johdatus 1990 luvun ajatteluun (Introduction to the philosophy of the 1990s), he became increasingly clear; He spoke in favor of genocide and eugenics targeted to combat the greatest evil for him, overpopulation, from. In addition, he called for the containment of economic progress and the destruction of modern technologies. He called for a stop of aid flows to the Third World and no intake of immigrants in Europe.

Goal belief Linkola would be by any means the world's population - the most by a third world war - to be reduced to at least a quarter and to keep this stock by strict birth control. The survivors then would carry on their lives as fishermen, farmers and artisans in a society ruled by dictatorship without electricity and all other amenities of modern civilization. In this way he wants to secure the survival of the earth and the "homo destructivus " stop to his destructive actions.


Critics call it loud André Anwar in the Tagesspiegel as " Ökofaschisten " because he in his published 1989 work Introduction to the philosophy of the 90s " genocide and eugenics to reduce mankind, also to stop the payments to the third world and the end of the recording of immigrants ' advocate. He welcomed all " actions that promote the destruction of human life " - including the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 and was an admirer of the Unabomber. Although he was often moved by the public in the vicinity of National Socialism, but he dedicated one of his books and the Baader -Meinhof group. In addition, he was an " enemy of the Catholic Church, as this his view of human life too much importance " beimäße.
