People's Alliance (Iceland)

The People's Alliance ( Isl Alþýðubandalag, short AL) from 1956 and 1968, voters Association and from 1968 to 1999 a regular political party in Iceland.


The People's Alliance was created as a left split of social democracy. The party's founding in 1968 summed up the Communist faction and other Marxist factions together. The increasingly moderate occurring € Communist Party turned against membership in NATO and the EU. With the exception of the elections to the Althing in 1987 and 1991, she received more votes than each of the Social Democratic Party of Iceland (Icelandic Alþýðuflokkurinn ). Her most famous representative was the country's current president Ólafur Ragnar Grimsson.

1999 joined the People alliance with three other left-wing parties to the alliance ( Samfylkingin ) together, in 2000, was the official founding of the Party.

Election results


  • Historic Party ( Iceland )
  • Socialist Party

Pictures of People's Alliance (Iceland)
