Per-Ingvar Brånemark

Per- Ingvar Brånemark ( May 3, 1929) is a Swedish orthopedic surgeon and inventor.


Brånemark studied medicine at the University of Lund. As a high school teacher, he has worked at the University of Gothenburg since 1969. 1966 described Brånemark the first scientist the term " osseointegration ", who has entered into the international nomenclature. In 1978, he wrote a seminal work on dental implants. In 1989, the Brånemark Osseointegration Center (BOC ) was named after him in Gothenburg.

2011 Brånemark received from the European Patent Organisation, the award of the European Inventor Award for his life's work.

Prizes and Awards (selection)

Pictures of Per-Ingvar Brånemark
