Per Noste

Per Noste is a 1960 in Orthez under the name Per Nouste ( "For us " ) was established association that advocates for the preservation and promotion of the Occitan language of Gascony (also called Gascon language ) and culture of Gascony.

Its founding president is Roger Lapassade. Among the 26 founding members include Robert Darrigrand, Pierre Tucoo - Chala and Xavier Ravier. In 1965, Michel Gros Claude at the club. The association developed very quickly a lively publishing activity, particularly in the field of language learning books .. He served until 2009 as a section of the Institut d' Études Occitanes for the department of Pyrénées- Atlantiques. He initiated and supported numerous projects ( " Calandreta " Primary School with Occitan language of instruction, the famous music group " Nadau ", the radio station " Ràdio País ", the " Ostau Bearnès " in Pau ... )

Editorial activities

In 1967 the magazine by Nouste, which was in 1979 renamed in 1968 by Noste in País Gascons.

The activity of Per Noste today comprises primarily the publication of textbooks, literature in Gascon Occitan - language and works on the land and people of Gascony.
