Pereskia bleo

Pereskia Bleo

Pereskia Bleo is a flowering plant in the genus Pereskia from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). Spanish common names are " Bleo ", " Bleo de Chupa ", " Chupa ", " Chupa Melón ", " Najií ", " Naju de Culebra " and " Naju de Esoubas ".


Pereskia Bleo grows as a shrub or small tree, reaching heights of growth 2-8 meters with stems up to 15 centimeters in diameter. The olive-green to brownish gray branches are smooth and occasionally unbedornt. The alternate arranged on the branches leaves are distinctly stalked up to 3 inches long. The leaf blade is with a length of 6 to 20 centimeters and a width of 2-7 cm, elliptic to oblong or lanceolate. Fiedernervigen the leaf blades have four to six, often bifurcated side branches. The spines are parallel in bundles or spread. At the branches long thorns are present up to five, 5 to 10 millimeters. On the main shoots are up to 40 per areole thorns that are 2 inches long.

The flowers are terminally or laterally appear in inflorescences. The bare, bright red, scarlet, salmon-pink or orange-red flowers reach diameter of 4 to 6 centimeters. The receptaculum is edgy and top-shaped.

The more or less spherical fruits are occupied bald or along its upper edge with one or two bracts. The yellow when ripe fruits are edible and taste sour.

Systematics and distribution

Pereskia Bleo is common in Panama and Colombia along rivers and streams as well as in secondary forest from sea level to altitudes of 500 meters.

The first description as Cactus Bleo in 1823 by Karl Sigismund Kunth. Augustin- de Candolle Pyrame set the type 1828 in the genus Pereskia. A synonym is Rhodocactus Bleo ( Kunth ) FMKnuth.


Crushed leaves of Pereskia Bleo were used for the clarification of drinking water.

