
Perfumer (fem.: Perfumer ) is a professional to the creation of perfume, which is, however, in Germany no training profession.

In addition to a corresponding sense of smell, of arts talent and sensory ability to experience knowledge from other professions for entry are required. This is possible in several ways: chemical laboratory technicians, pharmacists, graduates with a degree in chemistry, food chemistry or biology, cosmetics laboratory assistants and druggists have good conditions. A direct entry is rare. Mostly people adopt this profession, are previously already come through work or family into contact with it. The training is therefore usually directly in companies or through family members and lasts about three years.

Since the composition of a perfume is a process that requires special creativity, perfumers are people who have often also have artistic skills in other areas, without having to be a poet, composer, or the like.

A university degree program for the training of perfumers there is not, as such effort in the world about 2000 perfumers not worth it. However, there are some perfumer schools, such as the Institut Supérieur International du Parfum, de la Cosmetique et de l' Aromatique Alimentaire ( ISIPCA ) in Versailles or the Ecole de Parfumerie Givaudan in Argenteuil. The candidates have to pass a very challenging entrance exam.
