Peter Jones (actor)

Peter Jones ( born June 12, 1920 in Wem, Shropshire, † April 10, 2000 in Westminster, London), actually Peter Geoffrey F. Carey -Jones, was a British actor, writer and radio speaker.


Jones attended Ellesmere College and joined at the age of 16 years for the first time as an actor at a theater in Wolverhampton on. In 1942 he appeared in London's West End production The Doctor's Dilemma. In the same year he made his feature film debut, but without being in the credits. His other feature film credits include the comedies The totally crazy hospital and savior of the nation from the Carry-on ... film series, and The Pink Panther returns and Chariots of Fire. His television roles included guest appearances in television series of The Avengers and melon to Inspector Barnaby. He was from 1977 to 1978 a major role in the series The Rag Trade as well as recurring roles in the series Mr. Digby Darling and The Man from the Eaton Place. He also wrote for various television formats screenplays, including for the sitcom Mr Big, in which he also played a starring role.

Between 1952 and 1955, Jones spoke in the BBC radio comedy series In All Directions a starring role alongside Peter Ustinov, with whom he also wrote the screenplays. He spoke as the narrator in the book of the radio drama series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Later, he also spoke in the television series and the record adaptation.

Jones was married and had two children.

Filmography (selection)

As an actor

As a screenwriter
