Peter Ludvig Panum

Peter Ludvig Panum ( born December 19, 1820 Rønne, † May 2, 1885 ) was a Danish physiologist. He was a professor at the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel and the University of Copenhagen.

Peter Ludvig Panum was born the son of a military doctor. He studied in Kiel and Copenhagen, where he graduated in 1845 the state exam. In 1847 he went for studies to Berlin, where he met Rudolf Virchow. With a memoir of the physiological chemistry » fibrins og dens coagulation ," he received his doctorate in 1851. As a professor in Kiel ( 1853-1864 ) he continued the establishment of a laboratory for physiology. He then became a professor at the University of Copenhagen, where he officiated in the academic year 1876/77 as rector.

He wrote many treatises in the field of physiology, such as " Physiological studies on the seeing with two eyes." He described in the later named after him Panum 's area (see stereoscopic vision ).

The Panum Institute at the University of Copenhagen was named after him.
