Peter Nijkamp

Peter Nijkamp ( born February 26, 1946 in Dalfsen ) is a Dutch economist.

Career, teaching and research

Nijkamp studied 1964-1970 econometrics and regional economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 1972 he graduated as a Ph.D. at the university where he worked as an assistant professor until 1973. He then went on to the University for Lecturer and was parallel to itself function 1973-1975 at the Free University of Amsterdam. He then became Head of the Department of Regional Economics at his first professorship.

Since 2002, the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Nijkamp Chairman Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO ). He is also a consultant for the World Bank, the European Commission, the OECD and the Dutch government and other organizations operate. His work has won several awards: In addition to several honorary doctorates and medals he received in 1996 as one of three awardees to the NWO Spinoza Prize.

The focus of the work Nijkamps is in the range of regional and urban economies, including the aspects of transport, mobility and infrastructure, housing and labor markets, technological innovations as well as supply and disposal.
