
  • WCF

The Peterbald is a naked cat breed of Russian origin.


The Peterbald emerged in the second half of 1994 in St. Petersburg, Russia as a result of the experimental cross between a male Don Sphynx (also known as Don Hairless, Donskoy or Donsky known ) called Afinogen Myth with a female Oriental Shorthair, World Champion Radma of Jagerhov by Russian scientist Olga S. Mironova. The first four Peterbalds of two matings and thus the founder of the breed were: Mandarin iz Murino, Muscat iz Murino, Nezhenka iz Murino and Nocturne iz Murino.

The Russian Selectional Feline Federation cats Association ( SFF) accepted the breed in 1996 and created the first standard. The TICA moved in 1997 after the WCF settled until 2003 so time.

Today, the breed developed in the direction of modern Oriental and Siamese, with a long snout, large, wide- set ears, flat cheekbones, and an elegant body on long legs. Therefore, outcrossing with these breeds and their semi- long-haired relatives, the Balinese and Javanese were supported in all standards. Since 2005, however, outcrossing with the semi- long-haired breeds are no longer allowed.


The Peterbald has a sleek, slim, graceful and muscular physique. She has a long, narrow head with a straight profile. The eyes are almond-shaped. The snout is triangular. The eyes are large and set wide. She has a long tail. The thin legs end in oval paws that allow her to take objects or to open doorknobs. They are similar to the Oriental Shorthair. Through the gene for hairlessness they can be born naked, with slightly flaked or velourartigem hair, with bürstenartigem or straight hair. With the first two " hair shapes " they are considered naked, as they may fall out over time. The Peterbald comes in all colors and drawings.


The Peterbald are good-natured, affectionate, peaceful, curious, intelligent and full of energy. They have a not so loud voice like the Orientals, and tend to follow the owners at every turn. They normally live in harmony with other cats, pets and even children.
