
The Phalanstère or Phalansterium is one of the early French socialist theorist, Reformer and Utopian Charles Fourier (1772-1836) invented agricultural or industrial production and housing cooperative for a product covered in Fourier's doctrine phalanx community of ideally exactly 1620 members. These people should live together, love, work and consume. Part of the concept was free love.

Charles Fourier described the structural formation of the (ideal) Phalanstère as oriented to the floor plan of the Palace of Versailles. The central block accepts public functions, there you will find the dining room, the library, or the conservatory. The side wings workshops and a hostel are housed. Fourier described this Phalanstère as a miniature city. An ensemble with Grandeur, to replace the bourgeois life of the free-standing single-family homes, which already at that time in great numbers the outskirts of the cities crowded.

Known ups ( and initiators ) were among other

Were designed in accordance with Fourier's model

The respective preceding year refers to the founding date.
