
  • β -phenylethylamine
  • 2- phenylethylamine
  • 2- phenyl-1- aminoethane

Colorless liquid with fishy odor


0.96 g · cm -3 ( 20 ° C)

< -60 ° C

200-202 ° C

40 Pa ( 20 ° C)

Poorly in water ( 4.3 g · l-1 at 20 ° C)

1.5290 (25 ° C)


200 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, guinea pig, oral)

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Phenethylamine, and β -phenylethylamine (PEA ) or with the correct chemical name 2- phenylethylamine, is widely used as a precursor of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids in plants. Phenethylamine occurs in the bitter almond oil and cocoa beans. It has also been demonstrated in the brain and in the urine. The biogenic amine phenethylamine as parent substance of the catecholamines and many hallucinogens is associated with the emergence of pleasure and happiness feelings. Phenethylamine is broken down by monoamine oxidases (MAO ).

Phenylethylamine is the parent substance of the group of substances Phenylethylamine.



Phenethylamine is a natural compound, which is biosynthesized by enzymatic decarboxylation of the amino acid phenylalanine. In another possible variant of the synthesis of benzaldehyde is condensed with nitromethane to nitrostyrene. The hydrogenation results in PEA.

Structure viewing

Homologues: The next higher side-chain homologues is the amphetamine ( - β -ethyl versus isopropyl), more homologues are known. Mescaline is an example of a phenyl derivative ( 3,4,5- trimethoxy- substituted). Same core and side-chain - substituted, for example, norepinephrine. Taken together these diverse structural variants are shown in the substance group of phenylethylamine.


Taped PEA has no effect on humans. Even in oral doses of 1600 mg and 50 mg intravenously or nasally shows no effect. The reason for this may lie in the fact that PEA is degraded in the human and animal body quickly.

Take the patient ( to treat depression ), a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, the uptake of PEA should be avoided, since this leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure and headaches.

Biological Significance

A study by the Department of Cell Biology and Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, according contains the urine of some predatory mammals increased amounts of phenethylamine. Certain prey ( here: mice and rats) take the substance true olfactory and avoid predatory mammal with urine contaminated areas.
