Philipp Jakob Becker

Philipp Jakob Becker ( born July 15, 1763 in Pforzheim, † August 13 1829 in Erlenbad, today Sasbach ) was a German painter.

Becker came up with 17 years to Rome and joined Raphael Mengs to which, however, immediately afterwards died. In 1785 he returned to Italy from swimming back, settled in Karlsruhe and was here in the sequence Grand Ducal court painter and Karlsruhe's first gallery director.

He was a correct draftsman and joined clear sense of form with elegant treatment, while not completely stood up in the painting technique on the dilettante and significantly distinguished only as a copyist of older masters. He has finally made some experiments in etching and lithography.

The Grand Duchy of Prints and Drawings at Karlsruhe has from his hand a large number of drawings in chalk, in sepia and with the pen, record, study, heads, copies, drawings after the Antique.

In the princely Fürstenberg'schen gallery to Donaueschingen are several painted copies and some small idyllic landscapes with figures are by his hand.
