Philipp Knoll

Philipp Knoll ( born July 4, 1841 in Carlsbad, Bohemia, † 31 January, 1900 in Vienna ) was an Austrian pathologist and professor in Prague and Vienna.


Knoll studied medicine at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, where he was among the founders of the Corps Teutonia. He received his doctorate in 1864, Dr. med and habilitated in 1869 in Giessen for anatomy and physiology. On his return to Prague, he was an associate in 1872 and in 1879 Full Professor of General and Experimental Pathology.

Knoll founded the Society for the Promotion of German Science, Art and Literature in Bohemia and consistently represented the national division of the University of Prague. When she in 1882, he belonged to the professorial staff of the German University, which continue to Karl- Ferdinand University said. 1883/84 and 1887/88, he was Dean of the Medical Faculty and 1890/91 Rector of the Karl- Ferdinand University.

Since 1883 he was a member of the Bohemian Diet. In 1896 he was appointed councilor.

In 1898 he was appointed to Vienna, where he died two years later.
