Phoebe (biblical figure)

Phoebe, Phoebe or Phoebe (Greek Φοίβη ) ( † end of the 1st century in Rome or Corinth ) is a woman who was in the service of the ancient Christian community of Cenchreae at Corinth. It is by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans mentioned (Rom 16.1 EU).

According to the data of Paul it was diaconal work, they have " many stood by ," even the Apostles themselves, the term " assist " was usually understood in antiquity as legal counsel. Therefore could Phoebe Christians who were in transit ( Corinth was an important port base ), have been in business or judicial errands to the side.

Given the position of women in ancient times, it is amazing that Paul mentions, moreover, in the here coming to the fore meaning. Therefore, it is widely regarded as the first female figure in church history of significance.

In theological research is disputed whether Phoebe may have been the bearer of Romans. For Paul mentioned in it (v. 16.1 f) that Phoebe come to Rome, and asks the Roman community to warm reception of Phoebe.

Phoebe is venerated as a saint; their day of remembrance for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is 27 January, for the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, October 25 and for the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church September 3. They said to have died either in Rome or Corinth.
