Phosphomolybdic acid

  • Phosphomolybdic acid
  • Trihydrogenphosphododecamolybdat
  • Sunshine reagent

Orange-yellow, shiny crystals


1.62 g · cm -3

78-90 ° C

Readily soluble in water and ethanol


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Phosphomolybdic acid is a phosphoric acid - molybdenum compound and one of the heteropolyacids.

Production and representation

The compound can be obtained by the reaction of molybdenum trioxide with phosphoric acid.


Phosphomolybdic acid crystallized as a yellow hydrate with 28 molecules of water in the crystal lattice H3 [ PMo12O40 ] · 28 H2O.


It is used as a spray reagent for detection in TLC of antioxidants, alkaloids, uric acid, caffeine, xanthine, proteins, creatinine, ascorbic acid, carotenoids. It is also used for the detection and determination of potassium, thallium, titanium, sulfur dioxide, as well as for the detection of cesium, cerium, tin, rubidium, antimony, vanadium and palladium. In microscopy, it can be used in combination with hematoxylin for nerve staining.
