Physician assistant

Physician assistant (English Physician Assistant) is an academic medical profession. In a bachelor's degree, for example, for non- medical surgery assistants, the physician assistant acquires the formal requirements to independently exercise delegated activities that were previously reserved for the doctor. The task of the physician assistant is to independently perform simple operations, and assist physicians during surgery. Thus, the medical professional should be unloaded and medical care be made ​​more effective.


In Germany, a study course Physician Assistant is offered to date at five colleges. At the Steinbeis University Berlin, the Duale Hochschule Baden- Württemberg Karlsruhe, Mathias Hochschule in Rheine, Fresenius University and Fliedner Fachhochschule Dusseldorf.

Since 2007, the hospital operator Sana provides training in cooperation with Steinbeis University Berlin physician assistants.

In the United States and the United Kingdom is the profession of Physician Assistant who takes over operational tasks as a non- medical staff, established longer. It served the German model as an example.
