Piano Sonata No. 4 (Scriabin)

His two-movement Piano Sonata 4 in F sharp major, Op 30 wrote the Russian composer and pianist Alexander Scriabin ( 1872-1915 ) in 1903 and wrote to a programmatic poem.


The 4th Piano Sonata Scriabin was born in 1903, although, according to letters of composers was their conception somewhat earlier. At the same time created even larger parts of Scriabin's Symphony No. 3.


The sonata is in two movements and with a playing time of about 7-8 minutes, the shortest of Scriabin's sonatas:

  • I. Andante
  • Volando II Prestissimo

Scriabin wrote this sonata after their appearance a (French in the original) poem, read the beginning and end as follows:

The main theme of the first - monothematic - set is indicated in its first part, by a two-time Quart jumps up repeatedly appears in its course a chord which structurally corresponds to Wagner's Tristan chord. Quart motifs not only determine the further course of ( the poem Scriabin following) more contemplative, expressing wistful feelings Andante, but also the second, attacca subsequent rapid rate. This follows the sonata form and reflected - again according to the poem of the composer - a quasi- cosmic flight to a star, the source of the desire to resist. The tempo marking " volando " means " fly" ( the "principle Flight " is a metaphor that Scriabin's philosophical speculations, and thus many of his compositions impressed ). In the coda, the main theme of the first movement in a triumphant triple forte is taken up again.

The 4th piano sonata should be multi-movement sonata of Scriabin final composition; the numbers 5 to 10 are all one movement.

The older composer colleague Alexander Glazunov was thrilled by the Sonata and characterize them according to their appearance as follows: [ ... ] She's original, full ravishing beauties and the thoughts therein expressed with unusual clarity and brevity.
