Pierre Rabhi

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Pierre Rabhi (* 1938 in Kenadsa, Algeria ) is a French writer, farmer and environmentalist, inventor of the concept « Oasis en tous lieux » - " oases in all places ."

He is committed to a society model that are in the people and the environment at the center and should be respected. He practiced a form of agriculture that supports the natural balance of the environment and develops projects for countries that suffer from water scarcity and drought.

Life and work

Youth in Algeria

Pierre Rabhi was born in 1938 in Kenadsa in the south of Algeria. His mother died when he was four years old. His father, the blacksmith, musician and poet, was sent him to the French as well as in the Islamic school. He trusts his son to a French couple, an engineer and a teacher, working in the village. Thus Pierre Rabhi grew up with the western catholic culture and the Islamic. The Age of 16 he decided to anger his father to convert to Christianity.

At the outbreak of the Algerian War of 1954 he found himself in an awkward situation: his father will not accept him and his adoptive father had thrown him because of a conflict out of the house. He therefore moved to Paris in 1954.

In France

In France, he works in a factory, where he met his future wife Michèle. Both did not want to live permanently in the city and saw their future in agriculture. The encounter with Pierre Richard, physician and visionary environmentalist who is concerned at this time with the creation of a national park in the Cevennes, motivates them to realize their projects. They moved in the Ardèche, and settled there in 1960 finally settled. Pierre Rabhi turns to a Maison familiale Rurale and completed a diploma course in agriculture. After three years as a farm laborer he became self-employed to operate Biodynamic farming.

Activities in developing countries and at international organizations

In 1978, he was responsible for the course Agroecology in the CEFRA ( center d' études et de formation rurales appliquées ). In 1981 he traveled on request by the African State Burkina Faso and supported by CRIAD ( Centre de relations internationales entre pour le développement agriculteurs ) to Africa, where he worked in the action " farmer without borders " championed. In 1985, he created with the help of the association Le Point Mulhouse a training place for Gorom - Gorom in Agroecology.

In 1988 he founded the CIEPAD (Carrefour international d' échanges de pratiques appliquées au développement ). He led various projects such as training and awareness-raising campaigns and organized development projects in Morocco, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Togo, Benin, Mauritania, Poland, Ukraine.

Since 1994, he campaigned for the movement " Oasis en tous lieux " for a return to " foster mother earth " and for the organization of a social network. In 1997 and 1998 he intervened at the request of the UN because of the "Convention on the fight against desertification " and was asked for concrete proposals. 1999 and 2001 created new development projects in Niger ( Agadez region ) and Mali ( Gao Region ). In 2003 he founded with Michel Valentin agro -ecological association Les Amanins, the active organic farming advocates, for the education and construction sectors. The question " What kind of planet we will leave to our children, which children we will leave the planet? " is the theme of the club.

Pierre Rabhi regularly organizes conferences and workshops on degrowth and " simple living ". He was invited by the European Social Forum as a speaker. In 2007 he founded the "Movement for the Earth and Humanism " ( Mouvemenent pour la Terre et l' Humanisme ), also called humming.


  • You Sahara aux Cévennes ou la reconquête du songe ( autobiography ), Éditions de Candide, Lavilledieu, 1983, Reed. Albin Michel, Paris, 1995, sous le titre Reed You Sahara aux Cévennes: itinéraire d'un homme au service de la Terre- Mère, Albin Michel, Paris, 2002.
  • Le Gardien du Feu ( roman), Éditions de Candide, Lavilledieu, 1986, Éditions Albin Michel, Paris, 2003.
  • L' Offrande au crépuscule ( Prix des sciences sociales Ferme du ministère de l' agriculture ), Éditions de Candide, Lavilledieu, 1989, Reed. aux éditions L' Harmattan, 2001.
  • Le Recours à la terre ( recueil d'articles ), Éditions du Ciel Terre, Lyon 1995, nouvelle éd. augm. In 1999.
  • Parole de Terre: une initiation africaine, Éditions Albin Michel, Paris 1996 ( préface de Yehudi Menuhin ).
  • Manifeste pour tous lieux en Oasis, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Pierre Rabhi, 1997.
  • Le Chant de la Terre interview par Jean - Pierre and Rachel Cartier, Editions La Table Ronde, Paris 2002
  • Graines de possibles, regards croisées sur l' écologie avec Nicolas Hulot, Ed Calmann - Lévy, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-7021-3589-7
  • Conscience et environnement, Éditions du Relié, Gordes 2006.
  • La part du colibri, l' espèce humaine face à son devenir, Editions de l' Aube, 2006 ( témoignage au festival du livre de Mouans -Sartoux en 2005).
  • Ecologie et spiritualité, collectif, Paris, Albin Michel, 2006. Avec entre autres, Jacques Brosse, André Comte- Sponville, Eugen Drewermann, Albert Jacquard, Jacques Lacarrière, Théodore Monod, Jean -Marie Pelt, Annick de Souzenelle ...
  • Alerte aux vivants Préface de et à ceux qui le rester veulent - Pour une renaissance agraire de Pierre Gevaert, éd Sang de la Terre, 2006.
  • Terre- Mère, Homicide volontaire? Questions and Answers avec Jacques Olivier Durand, Le Navire en pleine ville, 2007.
  • Préface de La stratégie du colibri '' de Séverin Millet, Minerva, 2008.
  • Le scénario Titanic, et autres Métaphores renta ..., de Hugues Gosset -Roux ( Préface de Pierre Rabhi ) Jouvence, 2008.
  • Une seule Préface de Terre pour le Monde nourrir, de Florence Thinard, Gallimard Jeunesse, octobre 2009.
  • Pierre Rabhi rédacteur en chef du numéro 77 de la revue Interdépendances. April 2010.
  • Vers la sobriété Heureuse. Actes Sud. April 2010.