Pinchas Kohn

Pinchas Kohn ( born February 27, 1867 in Kleinerdlingen; † July 2, 1941 in Jerusalem ) was the last rabbi of Ansbach and the Distriktsrabbinats Wallerstein. He was descended from the family of rabbis based in Southern Germany Kohn- Rappoport. He was also director of the World Agudath Israel.


He was born the son of Rabbi Mordechai Michael Kohn ( 1826-1888 ). He learned from his maternal grandfather Rabbi David Weisskopf. His grandfather ordained him to the rabbi at his Bar Mitzvah. Later he learned in the yeshiva of Rabbi Selig Auerbach and became a rabbi in Mannheim. In 1893 he became rabbi of Ansbach. He worshiped Esriel and Hirsch Hildesheimer and Samson Raphael Hirsch. He was the editor of the Jewish monthly magazine, which he edited together with Salomon Breuer. He gave the Hasidim a political organization. In addition, he founded a rabbi Association and gave the Yiddish daily newspaper Doss Yiddische Vort out. In 1939, he escaped to London to Palestine. His funeral in Palestine was Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik, by the rabbis and Abraham Mordechai age passed.
