
The Pinguiochrysidales are an order of protozoa from the group of Stramenopilen.


The representatives are flagellates or coccoid unicellular. The cells are naked or sitting in a mineralized lorica. The plastids have belt slats. The endoplasmic reticulum of the plastid membrane has a connection with the outer nuclear membrane. The DNA of plastids has a grain -type Genophor. Ocelli absent.

Among the plastid pigments include chlorophylls a and c1, 2, fucoxanthin and violaxanthin.

Enthusiast cells have one or two flagella. Three-piece tubular hairs can occur on immature flagella.

The cells have three to four kinetosomes microtubular roots and a large, striped kinetosomes root ( Rhizoplast ).


The Synurales are one of the groups of Stramenopile. Among these genera are counted among others, the following:

  • Glossomastix
  • Phaeomonas
  • Pinguiochrysis
  • Pinguiococcus
  • Polypodochrysis