
Pirajuí is a municipality in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. The municipality covers 821.68 km ². The town is located 468 meters above sea level.

The place name comes from the Tupi language. Pirajuí was officially founded in 1915. Already since 1889, coffee was grown in the area of the city. Today Pirajuí has about 20,000 inhabitants (2004 20 745 ), a functioning infrastructure with schools, kindergartens, shopping, and two large and several other smaller industrial companies. Pirajuí is around 365 kilometers in a straight line from São Paulo, Brazil's largest city, located directly on the SP 300 highway, also known as Rodovia Marechal Rondon. The nearest major town is Bauru.

- 21.998888888889 - 49.456944444444Koordinaten: 22 ° 0 ' S, 49 ° 27 ' W

  • Place in São Paulo
  • Established in 1915