Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc

The Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc is a swimming pool in the Spanish city of Barcelona.


It was built in 1929 on the slopes of the Montjuïc mountain and city originally included a 50 -meter pool. At the Mediterranean Games in 1955 it was renovated. In 1990, reconstruction work for the Olympic Summer Games 1992. The basin was divided into a plant for water jump and a 25 -meter pool. During the Olympic Games competitions in the water jumping and the water polo tournament took place there.

In the swimming world championships in 2003 and 2013, the swimming pool for competitions in the water jump was used.

Entrance into pop culture was the system by the video for the single Slow by Kylie Minogue, the director Baillie Walsh turned there in August 2003.
