

  • Pistosaurus grandaevus
  • Pistosaurus longaevus

Pistosaurus ( Pistosaurus longaevus ) was a living in the sea of ​​Middle Triassic reptile, whose name means liquid lizard. It had characteristics both of nothosaurs which had a streamlined body and a long tail, as well as features of the plesiosaur that lived in the oceans of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Therefore, it is assumed that the dinosaur is a transition stage between the two groups.

Pistosaurus had a stiff spine, which was a hallmark of plesiosaurs. He moved his three-meter long body probably mainly with its paddle-like legs away. Body and tail were insignificant for the move operation. He had a small, typical plesiosaur head, which contained sharp, pointed teeth. This made Pistosaurus an efficient fish -eaters. The distribution was the Europe of today, with particular areas in France and Germany represent localities for traces of dinosaur. Pistosaurus belonged to the family of Pistosauridae. The living before about 245-228 million years animal belongs to the subclass of Diapsida.


  • The encyclopedia of dinosaurs, Ravensburger Verlag; Expert advice of Professor Michael J. Benton
  • The Paleobiology Database Pistosaurus