Pjetër Malota

Peter Malota ( born August 28, 1958 in Lofka in Malësia e Madhe Albania Pjeter Malota Lulgjuraj ) is an American actor and martial - arts fighters of Albanian origin. He became known through the participation in four films with Jean -Claude Van Damme. He has also worked as a stuntman and stunt coordinator.

Film career

In 1985 Malota made ​​his film debut as a member of a gang in the action movie Los Angeles Streetfighter. In 1991 Malota began working with Van Damme. The first of the four films was Double Impact - Double Impact (1991 ), where he portrayed a fighter with knives in his boots. The second film was no way out of the year 1994 was followed by 1996 The Quest -. The challenge. In this film Malota played einenen Spanish fighter who competes against Van Damme in a fighting tournament. Five years later, he starred in The Order ( film ) for the last time with Van Damme in a movie with.

He had his last appearance to date in the movie The Butterfly Effect 3 - Revelation in a supporting role.

Peter Malota currently resides in the greater Detroit, Michigan and is a teacher in a martial arts school specifically for Tae Kwon Do

Filmography (selection)
