
Planetarion is a browser game in 2000 (produced by the group 5th Season AS) went online. It is the first online game with thousands of players simultaneously active (MMOG ), which has been implemented based on web technologies.

Each player manages a planet that is located in a galaxy of 10-25 (varies by round ) planet. Raw materials are obtained on the elimination of so-called asteroid, depending on sufficient research can thus different types of ships are being built with which asteroids can be conquered by other planets. A key role of the cooperation in the galaxy and in the alliances. Each galaxy has its own forum and selects a Galactic Commander (GC), who in turn appoints various ministers.

At the peak had Planetarion ( according to data from fan forums ) more than 175,000 players, but as the free access was abolished and had to pay each player, the membership increased rapidly. At the moment, however, is running again a free round. Permanently free clones such as Planitia could not build on the success of past days.
