Platinum hexafluoride

Platinum hexafluoride

Dark red crystalline solid


5.21 g · cm -3 ( -140 ° C)

61.3 ° C

69.1 ° C

Reacts violently with water

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Platinum ( VI ) fluoride or platinum hexafluoride ( PtF6 ) is a chemical compound of platinum and fluoride. Is an extremely strong oxidizing agent, which is able to oxidize molecular oxygen or xenon. It is platinum (VI ) itself to platinum (V ) is reduced.


In the material chemistry of the noble gases, it has played a significant role in the 1960s because it PtF6 first time managed to portray a noble gas compound. The American chemist Neil Bartlett succeeded in 1962 with PtF6 to oxidize the dioxygen molecule O2:

He noted that the first ionization energy of O2 of the xenon is similar and that the dioxygenyl cation (O2 ) roughly the same size as the Xe ion. So he came to the realization that Xe must nevertheless be oxidized:

So the first noble gas compound was synthesized and refutes the assumption noble gases received no connections.


  • Reaction of platinum with F2 at 300 ° C in a brass apparatus:
  • Disproportionation of PtF5 from 130 ° C:


Platinum hexafluoride is a dark red crystalline solid which melts at 61.3 ° C and boils at 69.1 ° C. His gas is reddish-brown and up to 200 ° C thermally stable. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system (measured at -140 ° C) in the space group Pnma with the lattice parameters a = 937.4 pm, b = 852.7 pm and c = 493.3 pm and four formula units per unit cell with a calculated density of 5.21 g · cm -3.
