Platzl (Munich)

As Platz both the space- like extended road north-east of Marienplatz as well as the formerly located there with the same host and theater facility is referred to in Munich.

Street and neighboring

The Old Munich street name Platz is at this point since at least 1780th It refers to the space- like extension of the ending at the northern Orlando street. In the period from 1368 to 1805, this place was called the Munich tax and legal books with Graggenau. The most famous building at the Platz is the Hofbräuhaus. In the immediate vicinity of this, more venues like Alfons Schuhbecks South Tyrolean Stuben, the Louis Hotel and the Hard Rock Cafe group.

Theater am Platz

The Theater am Platz offered from 1901 until its closure in 1999, mainly folk singers a stage. Directors in the 98 -year history were such well-known originals, such as the White Ferdl, Michl Lang and then Ludwig Schmid- Wildy.

Building group Platz 2-3

The houses Platz 2 and 3 represent rare examples of Altmünchener town houses dar. Partial there are remains from the middle ages ( front building Platz 3). Main phases are the Renaissance ( front house Platz 2, 1565 ) and the Baroque ( Platz 2, Central Building, mid 17th century, rear building 1st half of 18th century, means building Platz 3, increase front house Platz 3 in 1700 ). 1987/88, the House group was under heavy losses in historical substance rehabilitated (architects Wolfgang Brückner and Georg Gussmann ) and a detailed Bauuntersuchung made. Today passages open up the courtyards.

Student associations

Since the 19th century striking end connections on the Platz are located. How were or are the Corps Bavaria, Munich Makaria Corps, Corps Franconia, Corps Rheno - Palatia Munich, Hercynia Corps, Corps Vitruvia, Cisaria Corps as well as the fraternity Rhenaniastraße am Platzl home. Today, of the compounds enumerated nor the two Kösener Corps Corps Rheno - Palatia Munich and Hercynia and the two Weinheimer Corps Vitruvia and Cisaria represented at the Platz. All of the above Corps still exist today and are members of the Munich Seniorenconvents (MSC ), where Franconia and Bavaria moved to arch Hausen and Makaria a house in Schwabing called her own. The fraternity Rhenaniastraße merged with Arminia fraternity to fraternity Munich Arminia Rhenaniastraße and has its headquarters now in Bogenhausen.
