Podenco Canario

  • Group 5: Spitz and primitive types
  • Section 7: Primitive type - Hunting Dogs use
  • Without working trial


Canary podenco

Male: 55-64 cm Female: 53-60 cm Tolerance: ± 2 cm

Not set

The Ibizan Canario is one of the FCI (No. 329, Gr. 5, sec 7) recognized Spanish breed of dog that is native to the Canary Islands belong to Spain. It belongs to the family of hounds.

Origin and History

The Ibizan Canario belongs to the group of wind- dog -like, Mediterranean hunting dogs that are also found in the Mediterranean. Similar races are, inter alia, the Pharaoh Hound ( Kelb tal- Fenek ) of Malta, the Cirneco dell ' Etna of Sicily and the various hounds or Podengos of the Iberian Peninsula. Some doubts exist about the origin: The breed standard adopted in 1987 says that the Ibizan Canario is a 7000 years old breed of ancient Egyptian origin. This would mean that he probably goes back to the ancient Egyptian Tesem extinct. More detailed evidence for this assertion, however, not known, but it is only a general indication of the similarity of the Ibizan Canario with ancient Egyptian representations and there are the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Carthaginians and the Egyptians blamed himself for his entry to the Canary Islands.

However, contradicted by the isolated location of his home, the Canary Islands, which lie outside of the Mediterranean Sea in the Atlantic off the coast of Morocco. The original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, the Guanches, whose language and culture after the conquest of the Canary Islands by the Spanish in the 15th century was almost completely wiped out, were probably relatives of today's Berber. In ancient times there were actually isolated contacts of the Guanches with the Phoenicians and later the Romans, the Canary Islands also gave its name: The name " Islas Canarias " means something like " Dogs islands", a term which the Roman author Pliny the Elder to go back. However, it is not recorded what type dogs have kept the Guanches, and the contacts of the ancient world with the Guanches should also not have been very intense, because until the landing of the first Spaniards to Lanzarote in 1402 the islands were largely forgotten. So it would be equally well conceivable that the Ibizan Canario goes back to the spread in many parts of Africa pariah dogs, in which may have been cross-bred hounds after the Spanish conquest of the Iberian Peninsula or the Balearics.


The Ibizan Canario is an elegant medium-sized dog (up to 64 cm), of elongated physique, slender, slightly built and extremely durable. Podencotypisch are the conspicuously large erect ears. The skeleton is well developed. The absence of layers of fat makes it possible to detect the rib cage, spine and hip bones. The musculature is highly evolved, dry. The muscle contractions can be seen through the skin. The coat is smooth, short and close to red, white to red, the red it in every color. Podencobesitzer inspire again and again to the elegant, sweeping trot, which gives the impression that the dog would float.


In the country of origin of Ibizan Canario is used for pack hunting of rabbits. Only this will grown. The Ibizan Canario is a tremendous jumper and very sure-footed. These properties enable him to hunt in the rugged volcanic terrain of his native islands. For this purpose are packs with up to 12 dogs used. The dogs Browse initially expansive terrain, which they use mainly their sense of smell and their hearing. If they have a hidden rabbit found, set the hunter a ferret, which drives the rabbit out of hiding. The fleeing rabbit is then captured either by dogs or shot by hunters with hunting with a rifle only for a limited time in late summer is permitted.

The Ibizan Canario is like all hounds not only a visual hunter, but he also hunts by ear or the nose. He also knows how to perfectly combine these three options together.

Use outside Spain

In Central Europe it is difficult to keep him appropriately. Hunting is only the local hunters reserved for their hunting rules are different, as is the case in the Canaries. A few hounds Canarios find in Germany an approximate replacement on the dog track or coursing, where they can live out their controlled rush-rubbed.

Although the Ibizan Canario has in the Canary Islands a very large population, he was outside of its original area until recently rather little known. This is partly because he is bred in his home almost exclusively by hunters who do not let their dogs register with the Spanish Stud RSCE. A breeding outside of Spain is (up to a kennel in France) have not. Only in recent years a large number of hounds Canarios was mediated by the Canaries active animal welfare organizations in the German speaking countries. In Germany you will find until today (2007 ) is almost entirely representative of the breed that come from animal shelter.

Some of these dogs are ( German Greyhound Breeding and Racing Association ) registered with the Department for this breed Stud DWZRV. These are occasionally found on the racetrack, coursing or breed shows.


The Ibizan Canario is a challenge for each holder, as its essence with no central European breed of dog is comparable. In the house it is a more balanced and cuddly type. But when it comes out, then he shows all his temperament and his passion for hunting. Who is looking for a quiet family companion dog, in which this dog is rather out of place. The formation of an Ibizan Canario requires a long time patience of a saint and a robust nerves. Dogs also schools that are really familiar with these dogs are rather scarce.
