Ponte della Costituzione

The Constitution Bridge is the fourth bridge, which spans the Grand Canal in Venice. There is a pedestrian bridge that connects the Santa Lucia train station with the Piazzale Roma.

The arch bridge is 94 m long and 9.28 m high in the middle. It has at the abutments, a construction height of 0.875 m with a width of approximately 6.4 m and 2.084 m in middle of the bridge with a width of about 9 m.

It was designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. After much wrangling within the city and protests of opposition politicians has begun construction in 2007. Was inaugurated the bridge on 11 September 2008.

Problems with the Construction Engineering

In the summer of 2011, significant deficiencies at the two bridge bearings, which had already been postponed by up to 5 cm showed. On the development of security measures to improve the statics were worked.

It was planned that wheelchairs can cross with the help of a bridge on the west side running along the bridge cabin without difficulty from 2012, 2013 is still not in this operation.
