Pope Pius I

Pius I. (* in Aquileia ();? † 155 () in Rome) was bishop of Rome ( 140/142 () -155 ()? ).

The Muratorian Fragment is Hermas, the author of the work called The Shepherd of Hermas, the brother of Pius I.; since Hermas was a slave, it is believed that Pius had been a slave. He is said to have been born in Aquileia, the son of Rufinus. He had Santa Pudenziana built, according to tradition, the oldest church in Rome. He was later referred to as a martyr, but there is no historical evidence for it. He is often cited as the first actual bishop in Rome.

Pius sat apart especially with the early Gnostics, especially with Valentinus, and Marcion Cerdon, he excommunicated as heretics. He is said to have adopted the provision that Easter should always be celebrated on a Sunday. The few letters in his name turned out to be fakes. His feast day as a saint is July 11. His name means: the Pious (Latin )
