Pororo the Little Penguin

Pororo the Little Penguin ( Hangul: 뽀롱 뽀롱 뽀로로, Porong Porong Pororo ) is a computer-animated television series, developed by the South Korean animation studios Iconix Entertainment and produced in a co-production with the North Korean company Samchŏlli in Kaesong. Production began in 2002, and a year later the Korean education and learning stations EBS TV started broadcasting. Currently, the series is being broadcast in France, Taiwan, India and Scandinavia.


Pororo is a little penguin, living in Antarctica. Together with his friends, he experienced many adventures: Poby the polar bear, Loopy the beaver, Harry the hummingbird, Crong the dinosaur, Petty the penguin, and Eddy the fox.

Pororo dreams longingly of flying and several episodes talk about his misadventures. He constantly makes mischief or tries to play a trick on his friends. His home is located in an alpine snow scene, where he lives in a snow hut together with his friend Crong, the non-talking dinosaur.

Crong is a baby dinosaur who will one day be found by chance in Pororo not yet hatched Dinoei ( Episode 1 ). The unsuspecting Pororo thinks about cooking at home a delicious omelet. Once he has decided to roll the egg home, he is suddenly surprised when the shell starts to break down and the little dinosaurs hatched. Pororo is the first person who sees Crong, and he believes he is a parent. Consequently, one always sees Crong with Pororo the house and Crong plays the role of the closest pals in the many adventures.

Loopy is the only female character to Petty appear in the series. She loves cooking and art. Pororo and Eddy are always trying to get their attention. Often portrayed as the mother of the young friends, it solves most of the problems that arise in the action. Loopy lives in a huge hollow tree trunk.

Pobys home is located in an ice cave. His main interests are photography and ice fishing. He is depicted as a gentle giant who frequently support the group with wise counsel.

Eddy is the intellectual of the group. In most episodes, he invents new machines, trains and giant robots to rockets. Most of his inventions fail, however, and bring him and his friends in dangerous situations. Although Pororo is his best friend, rival, the two always together. Eddy's home is a gigantic tree stump.
