Portland Pattern Repository

The Portland Pattern Repository was designed by U.S. software author Ward Cunningham as a knowledge management tool within the design pattern theory in 1994 based on the HyperCard systems. It deals with software design in the context of object-oriented programming, among other design patterns.


On September 17, 1987 Cunningham published together with Kent Beck essay Using Pattern Languages ​​for Object-Oriented Programs via programming design patterns. They had it written for the OOPSLA 1987, where they presented it. This inspired by Christopher Alexander's architectural patterns concept of " design patterns " quickly became popular among programmers because the recognition of design patterns it to them from now significantly easier to gather ideas and solutions, in particular those to frequently recurring in the programming problems, and to share with each other.

Cunningham & Cunningham is the software consulting firm of Ward Cunningham. Cunningham & Cunningham was founded on November 1, 1991 in Salem ( Oregon) and named after Ward Cunningham and his wife, Karen R. Cunningham. The Internet domain c2.com was registered on 23 October 1994.
