Ports de Tortosa-Beseit


Rock formation on Els Ports

The Ports de Tortosa - Beseit ( Catalan and Ports de Tortosa, Ports de Beseit or simply Els Ports; Aragonese Puerto de probationary period; Spanish Puerto de Tortosa - Beceite ) are a mountain range in the far east of the Iberian mountain range in the provinces of Castellón, Tarragona and Teruel and make the transition to Serralada Prelitoral Catalana, the Catalan coast mountains.

The vegetation is a good part of pine forests (mountain pine) and oak trees, to a lesser extent also from beech trees. The mountain is home to the largest population of the Iberian ibex.

There are reported several nature reserves. In the Catalan part of the Parc Natural dels Ports covers an area of ​​35,110 hectares. The Parc Natural de la Tinença de Benifassà in Valencian part is 5000 hectares.
