Positivism in Poland

The Polish Positivism refers to a literary and artistic movement as well as a socio-cultural movement in Poland in the second half of the 19th century. She was accompanied by the Polish movement, whose opposition was directed against the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian partition of Poland. He includes in the period from January Uprising (1863-1864) to the early 1890s and is closely linked to the socio-political events of the time.


Poland had been Russified, and Germanization after the January Uprising; Administrators, teachers and police officers were Russians, Prussians German or Austrian. The use of the Polish language in newspapers, books and schools was prohibited. An exception was Galicia represents the positivists organized Polish language teaching and founded the "flying universities " where secret meetings in social, scientific and medical issues were discussed.

After the January Uprising was brutally crushed against the Russian occupying power in the year 1863/1864, spread among the poles of the belief that the foreign rule in Poland was not to defeat through a military confrontation, but in the organic work and constructive patriotism, which is a counter-current to the previous minted in the romantic era ideals of the freedom struggle represented. Inspired by the masterpiece " Positive Philosophy " of the French philosopher Auguste Comte, they saw the better way is through the solidary cooperation of all social strata, the Polish national consciousness and the Polish population by the wider access of all citizens to education, economic development and improve the living condition ends to strengthen. She herself called themselves " positivists ". Other postulates of Polish Positivism the formation of a new society based on a capitalist secular, the emancipation of women, the assimilation of the Jews and a counteracting of Germanization, the result of Bismarck's policy ( " culture struggle" ) was one was.

This proves that the positivism as a European movement was not limited to the theory of knowledge, but also included socio - political aspects and had fitted into the context of a national society and culture in each very different ways, ungeachtete international networks through which dissemination work. This is also evident in the case of if, then usually known only by Lenin's Materialism and Empiriocriticism positivism in Russian philosophy.

This circle of Polish positivists expects the scientist Marie Curie, who from 1886 to 1889 while working as a private tutor and governess illegal courses for village children organized, during which she taught the Polish language, history and algebra, and thus the ideals of positivism in the indeed followed it.

Polish Literature of positivism

In the literature of the Polish positivism small epic forms such as novels, short stories or sketches dominate. The writer saw in the literature primarily an instrument to represent selected problems of a social or moral nature.

Warsaw positivism

The most important writers of positivism ( Orzeszkowa, Prus, Świętochowski, Sienkiewicz, Falenski, Sygietyński ) worked as a literary center in the Russian partition and in Warsaw. The time of the Warsaw positivism has mainly Bolesław Prus a monument in his faithful realism novels. Above all, here is the novel " Lalka " to call in the Prus describes the career and the case of the fictional entrepreneur Warsaw Stanisław Wokulski. Another representative of the Warsaw positivism, Henryk Sienkiewicz, was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Authors of Polish Positivism

  • Bolesław Prus (1847-1912)
  • Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841-1910)
  • Maria Konopnicka (1842-1910)
  • Dygasiński Adolf (1839-1902)
  • Ludwika Godlewska (1863-1901)
  • Viktor Gomulicki (1848-1919)
  • Maria Rodziewiczówna (1863-1944)
  • Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)
  • Antoni Sygietyński (1850-1923)
  • Aleksander Świętochowski (1849-1938)
  • Gabriela Zapolska (1857-1921)
  • Adam Asnyk (1838-1897)
  • Maria Ilnicka (1825 lub 1827 to 1897 )
  • Felicjan Falenski (1825-1910)
  • Aleksander Michaux (1839-1895)
  • Waclaw Rolicz songs (1866-1912)
  • Michał Bałucki (1837-1901)
  • Bliziński Józef (1827-1893)
  • Edward Lubowski (1837-1923)
  • Narzymski Józef (1839-1872)
  • Zygmunt Sarnecki (1837-1922)
  • Szujski Józef (1835-1883)
  • Aleksander Świętochowski (1849-1938)
  • Kazimierz Zalewski (1849-1919)