
- 2.7166666666667 - 80.283333333333Koordinaten: 2 ° 43 ' S, 80 ° 17' W

Posorja is a fishing village in Ecuador. It is located about 120 km southeast of Guayaquil at the mouth of the Guayas in the Gulf of Guayaquil. The place belongs as the capital of a rural parish of the canton of Guayaquil Guayas Province. The parish has about 30,000 inhabitants ( 2005).

Posorja located at Morro Channel of the Gulf of Guayaquil. On the other side of this channel, the island is Puná. Since the fishing was here largely operated in the traditional way and increasingly replaced by modern fishing fleets from abroad, the population is relatively poor today; 60 % of the workforce are considered underemployed. The most important employer in addition to the fishery are three large fish factories on the territory of the parish, which account for 70 % of the production of tuna products in Ecuador in coming. Among them Negocios Industriales is Real SA ( Nirsa ), the largest fish factory in Ecuador. The economic activity of the town will recover significantly in the future as the construction of a new international port was started with dock for vessels up to 14 m depth in December 2006. This means that large ships can not call at the port of Guayaquil, in the future unload freight in Posorja. The total investment is estimated at 450 million U.S. dollars. At the same time tourism improvements of the existing breakwater and associated revitalization and modernization of the town center is planned.

The name of the town derives from a legendary seer named Posorja who came in 1530 to the coast of present-day Santa Elena (west of Posorja ) and the Inca Atahualpa 's victory over his half-brother Huascar in the Inca War of Succession and the subsequent destruction by white men should have predicted.

Posorja can be reached by bus from Guayaquil on Playas.
