Post-nasal drip

The sinubronchiale syndrome (also post -nasal -drip syndrome, PNDS ) is a disease of the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract.


  • Frequent throat clearing
  • Mucus, which flows down the throat into the bronchi
  • Cough with expectoration, cough
  • Chest pain,
  • Head and facial pain,
  • Stuffy nose
  • Malaise

The cause and progression

Cause of the PNDS is usually a viral or bacterial sinusitis or rhinosinusitis -related, which propagates in the lower respiratory tract. Underlying primary diseases can be: a turbinate swelling, a deviated septum, polyps and tumors.

The effects caused by sinusitis mucus comes into the tracheobronchial system and solves an acute bronchitis from.


For use come secretolytics, the mucolytic Myrtol, an anti- inflammatory therapy (eg cortisone containing nasal spray ) and schleimhautabschwellende or anti-allergic preparations, antihistamines, antibiotics, leukotriene receptor antagonists, cough suppressants, supportive panthenol, also inhaling and flushing the sinuses with a saline solution using a nasal douche and limited decongestant nose drops. Surgical therapy comes into question if the conventional measures do not apply.
