
Postmillenarismus or Postmillennialism is a direction within the Christian eschatology, that is, the doctrine of the last things. It is based on an interpretation of the 20th chapter of the Book of Revelation, after which Jesus Christ the Millennium, the 1000 - year Reich, returns to Earth only after ( Latin post-). His return marks the beginning of a golden age.

However Postmillenarismus referred several similar views about the end times. Prepared by Jonathan Edwards, this optimistic view had prevailed, especially in the first half of the 19th century in the revivalism of Charles Finney. The Postmillenarismus is in marked contrast to premillenarianism and slightly less for Amillenarismus. The Postmilleniarismus is relatively rare compared to premillenarianism and Amillenniarismus that are well established in the Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic churches as well as in theological circles.

  • 5.1 German
  • 5.2 English (chronological)
  • 6.1 German
  • 6.2 English

Key ideas

Whereas several Postmillenaristen literally believe in a permanent Millennium 1000 years, others in the thousand years will see a more symbolic expression for a very long period ( in the Amillenarismus similar). Among those who do not take "Millennium" literally, is commonly believed that it had already begun. This goes to one with a less obvious and dramatic idea of ​​the type of the Millennium, compared with the Prämilleniaristen, on the other hand with a less pronounced expectation of Christ's return.

To postmillennaristischen doctrine also heard that the satanic powers will gradually conquered by the expanding kingdom of God. This takes place in the course of history and empties into the second coming of Christ ( parousia ). This belief that good will triumph gradually over evil, led the English-speaking self- designation as " Optimillennialisten " ( " optimillennialists " ) in contrast to the " Pessimillennialisten " ( " pessimillennialists " ), whereby the Prämillenaristen and Amillenaristen are meant.

Numerous Postmillenaristen argue that many of the biblical end-time prophecies have already been fulfilled, which is a form of preterism. Several outstanding Postmillenaristen have not taken the preterism in looking at the book of Revelation, including BB Warfield, Francis Nigel Lee, and Rousas John Rushdoony.


Differences in the amount

Postmillenaristen are about the extent of the victory of the gospel different opinion. The majority does not believe in a drop ( apostasy ) and is such as BB Warfield believe that refers to the waste on the rejection of the Christian faith by the Jewish people - whether in the first century or possibly until the return of Christ at the end of the Millennium. This postmillenaristische view substantially matches well with the thinking of the amillenaristischen and prämillenaristischen teaching directions.

A minority postmillenaristischer scholar who wants to know nothing of the idea of ​​apostasy at the end, but holds - ignited by the Great Commission - to overcome by the gospel for total and absolute, so that no unsaved individuals remains after the mind entirely upon all flesh was poured out. This minority, led by BB Warfield and supported by HAW Meyers exegetical work, began to make up ground and even some Postmillenaristen Loraine Boettner and RJ Rushdoony like to move to rethink that previously belonged to the camp of the majority

The attraction at the position of the minority is - apart from their move, key biblical places ( John 12:32, Romans 11:25-26, Hebrews 10:13, Isaiah 2:4 and 9.7, etc.) to be taken literally - of Boettner after his change of mind has been described as follows: the Postmillenarismus in his majority represented form is missing in contrast to Warfield's version of the capstone. Warfield joined namely his views with an unusual understanding of Matthew 5:18. He proceeded from Meyer's interpretation of the verse, which presupposes a worldwide victory of the Gospel in order for the Supposed prophecy in did verses to be Realized that leads inexorably to a literal fulfillment of the third petition of the Our ​​Father: " Thy will be done, as in heaven, also upon earth. "

John Calvin's presentation of this part of the Lord's will meet with nearly the postmillenaristische minority position, but Calvin and later Charles Spurgeon were remarkably inconsistent in eschatological issues. Spurgeon preached a sermon on Psalm 72, where he explicitly the type of an absolute Postmilleniarismus defended as it is nowadays represented by the stock of the minority. But on other occasions he defended the premillenarianism. Moreover Warfield despised because of the character of his views, the terms with reference to the Millennium. He preferred the term " eschatological universalism " ( " eschatological universalism " ) as a trademark of Postmilleniarismus how he was connected to his thinking.

Warfield and his students did not try to substantiate his cosmic eschatology with the help of Revelation 20, because they considered this chapter ( in the wake of Kliefoth, Duesterdieck and Milligan ) as a description of the intermediate state and the contrast between the fighting and the Church Triumphant. With this approach, they moved away from Augustin'schen approach, which they accented with an expected progress in taking seriously the parallel passages in the Book of Revelation in terms of Satan " short release " justified ( cf. Rev. 6:11 and 12:12).

Differences in the importance

Postmillenaristen have different views about the triumph of the gospel. " Erwecklicher " Postmillenarismus is a sub-form of this doctrine. She is represented by the Puritans and those who teach that the Millennium will not come about thanks to Christians who change society from top to bottom (ie at an institutional way ), but from the bottom up, ie from the bottom up the change in the hearts and sentiments of the people.

On the other hand, says the " rekonstruktionistische Postmillenarismus " ( " Christian Reconstructionism " ) that Christians should make parallel to the preaching of the Gospel to the base and parallel to an explicitly Christian education because the legislative and political institutions in accordance with biblical or if necessary, to change theonomer ethics. The Revivalist deny that the same legal and political rules that applied to the theocracy of ancient Israel, are to be applied directly on the modern societies, which are no longer driven by Israel's prophets, priests and kings.

In the U.S., the best known and organized forms of Postmillenarismus on the " Christian Reconstructionism " are based. They cling to a Postmillenarismus as it was developed by Gary North, Greg Bahnsen and Kenneth Gentry.
